Beyond Stage 4



Criteria for working beyond stage 4

Teaching a student above stage 4 our main focus will be on further improving and perfecting technique for the 4 main strokes. Perfecting technique is the best preparation for going to a traditional sized pools, if the student moves on. We’ll also work on building stamina and water safety skills. These skills are broken down into mini stages (see below) which we’ll work around the technique work we do.

Stage 5
• Perform 5 metres feet first sculling
• Perform unaided treading water for 30 seconds
• Be able to move into a floating shape after treading water
• Demonstrate action for signalling help
• Perform a forward somersault
• Touch the pool floor with their hands

Stage 6
• Perform 10 metres head first and feet first sculling
• Tread water, signal for help sequence lasting at least 1 minute
• Perform a tumble turn entering the turn on their front
• Perform a tumble turn entering the turn on their back
• Exit tumble turn on their front
• Exit tumble turn on their back
• Perform a surface dive to pool floor