Stage 2 Lessons 


Stage 2 – Our aims are;

  • Swim 5 metres (width of the pool) on front and back
  • Perform a ‘mushroom float’
  • Perform a push and glide on their back
  • To be able to retrieve a submerged item
  • Be able to roll from front to back or back to front from a floating position without touching the floor


What we will do

We will start by ensuring your child understands the correct body shape to be in to swim effectively, making sure they can hold their floating shape whilst in a streamlined position. From there we will work on their kicks correcting and faults, then building the kicks into their push and glide starts. Once we are happy with these elements we will introduce how to use their arms properly and effectively, usually starting with front crawl arms. We will deliver these skills in a fun and informative way ensuring high standards of learning.


Things you can do when the family go swimming

  • Be prepared to have a go at the skills too, often seeing what they need to do can help build understanding
  • Make practicing skills into a game e.g. “Let’s see who can do a mushroom float the longest”
  • Build the stroke slowly I.e. Shape, then legs and then legs and arms
  • If they struggle with a particular skill isolate individual elements to practice before doing the full stroke
  • Practice kicks and arms in the house to help build understanding