Stage 4 Lessons 


Stage 4 – Our aims are;


  • Swim 10 metres Front crawl
  • Swim 10 metres Backstroke
  • Swim 10 metres Breaststroke
  • Swim 10 metres Breaststroke kick on their back
  • Swim 10 metres Butterfly kick
  • Swim 5 metres sculling


What we will do

We will start by ensuring that the front crawl and backstroke learnt in stage 3 is still correct. Then we will introduce breaststroke legs and butterfly legs. For breaststroke we will start with a lot of work on the kick as it is the most important and difficult element of the stroke. From there we will introduce the arms and breathing. You may find your child is good at the individual elements of breaststroke but struggles co-ordinating the full stroke, don’t worry this is common and with practice will soon be overcome.

We will teach the full butterfly stroke but will mainly focus on the kicks in stage 4. We do this as a strong butterfly kick will reduce the amount of physical strength needed to use the arms, this benefit pre-teen children as it teaches them to use technique instead of strength alone. We will do this in a fun and informative way to ensure high standards.


Things you can do when the family go swimming

Stage 4 is a very technical stage, practice and concentration are the key factors to success


  • Practice breaststroke legs out the water to help boost understanding of the kick
  • Practice breaststroke arms and breathing out of the water to help understand the movement and timing of the stroke
  • To practice butterfly kick practice wiggling from the hips, you want to wiggle from your tip toes onto your heels (ask your teacher for further clarification on how to practice the legs)